Example of tasks

Example of a product development project. This may apply, for example, welding robot systems and machine tools, often in the automotive industry.
Our Mission
Based on the company's idea to improve personal protection while increasing availability at Automation machines.
IFM launches the mission by identifying the customer’s needs and requirements, as well as making a cost assessment. Further the applicable rules and regulatory requirements are examined. From all this an outline is presented, in order to assess the conditions to develop a technical solution at a cost that allows for an attractive product.
A market analysis is conducted, where potential customers and competitors are analyzed.
IFM brings out a solution for engineering and design, producing a prototype, as well as developing a production plan and a cost analysis. Tests are performed.
Any certificate of authorities are obtained.
Further a strategy for market entry is developed, in which market segments are selected.
Manufacturing schedules are completed, service-and installation manuals, as well as a basis for spare parts management and marketing support.
Thereafter sale tests and follow-up will be performed.
The whole process is carried out in close cooperation with the customer, with tight monitoring and reporting.